
Developing Mosquitto takes a not insignificant amount of time and effort. If you find it useful, please consider making a donation.


Older downloads are available at
The deprecated javascript/websockets client is available as:
Please consider using the Paho Javascript client instead.

Binary Installation


See the readme-windows.txt after installing for Windows specific details and dependencies.


Mosquitto can be installed from the homebrew project. See and then use “brew install mosquitto”

Arch Linux


Download the repository config file for your CentOS version from below and copy it to /etc/yum.repos.d/ You’ll now be able to install and keep mosquitto up to date using the normal package management tools.
The available packages are: mosquitto, mosquitto-clients, libmosquitto1, libmosquitto-devel, libmosquittopp1, libmosquittopp-devel, python-mosquitto.


  • Mosquitto is now in Debian proper. There will be a short delay between a new release and it appearing in Debian as part of the normal Debian procedures.
  • There are also Debian repositories provided by the mosquitto project, as described at


Mosquitto is now available from Fedora directly. Use “yum install mosquitto”, or search for “mosquitto” to find the related packages.
It is also still available as a binary provided by the mosquitto project: download the repository config file for your Fedora version from below and copy it to /etc/yum.repos.d/ You’ll now be able to install and keep mosquitto up to date using the normal package management tools.
The available packages are: mosquitto, mosquitto-clients, libmosquitto1, libmosquitto-devel, libmosquittopp1, libmosquittopp-devel, python-mosquitto.


Mosquitto is available for FreeBSD:


Use “emerge mosquitto”


(no longer supported by the opensuse build service)


Download the repository config file for your openSUSE version from below and copy it to /etc/zypp/repos.d/ You’ll now be able to install and keep mosquitto up to date using the normal package management tools.
The available packages are: mosquitto, mosquitto-clients, libmosquitto1, libmosquitto-devel, libmosquittopp1, libmosquittopp-devel, python-mosquitto.


If you’re using a trunk snapshot use “opkg update; opkg install mosquitto”
Karl Palsson maintains a set of feeds that may be more up to date than the current OpenWrt version:

Raspberry Pi

Mosquitto is available through the main repository.
There are also Debian repositories provided by the mosquitto project, as described at
These packages are sponsored by PCextreme B.V., who are providing Raspberry Pi hosting for building the packages.

Redhat Enterprise Linux

Download the repository config file for your RHEL version from below and copy it to /etc/yum.repos.d/ You’ll now be able to install and keep mosquitto up to date using the normal package management tools.
The available packages are: mosquitto, mosquitto-clients, libmosquitto1, libmosquitto-devel, libmosquittopp1, libmosquittopp-devel, python-mosquitto.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

Add the appropriate repository to your package config from the list below, then install mosquitto from your normal package management tools.


As of version 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot, mosquitto will be in the Ubuntu repositories so you can install as with any other package. If you are on an earlier version of Ubuntu or want a more recent version of mosquitto, add the mosquitto-dev PPA to your repositories list – see the link for details. mosquitto can then be installed from your package manager.
  • sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
  • sudo apt-get update
If the command “apt-add-repository” is not recognised, it can be installed with:
  • sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

Other Linux

Other users – no packages available. Get in touch if you want to help!



You can use libmosquitto (included in the source download) on the iPhone to build MQTT apps. It compiles as objective-c, or you can use the marquette project which is an objective-c wrapper and example app.